10 years of bullying data: what does it tell us?
From www.guardian.co.uk - May 24, 2013 A decade of global data attempts to analyse the details of bullying. But what can the figures really tell us about an issue that is so difficult to record? You knew this: bullying is harmful
From www.sciencecodex.com -February 11, 2013 EAST LANSING, Mich. — Children who are bullied online or by mobile phone are just as likely to skip school or consider suicide as kids who are physically bullied, according to a study led by a Michigan State University criminologist. Bullying by childhood peers leaves a trace that can change the expression of a gene linked to mood
From www.psypost.org - February 14, 2013 A recent study by a researcher at the Centre for Studies on Human Stress (CSHS) at the Hôpital Louis-H. New Study Tracks Bullying's Impact into Adulthood | NEA Today
From neatoday.org - March 8, 2013 By Tim Walker Anyone who still thinks bullying is simply a childhood rite of passage should take note: In one of the first long-term studies tracking the. Effects of Bullying Last Into Adulthood, Study Finds
From well.blogs.nytimes.com -February 20, 2013 Victims of bullying, and bullies themselves, are more likely to have an anxiety disorder, panic disorders and other psychiatric problems as adults, a new study has found. Bullying And Psychiatric Illness Linked : NPR
From www.npr.org - February 26, 2013 A new study on bullying shows that people who were bullied have higher rates of psychiatric illness as adults. Host Michel Martin speaks with the study's lead author, William Coleman of Duke University, and bullying expert Rosalind Wiseman. Bullying: Social Risk Factors; Long-Term Impact for Bully and Victim
From www.decodedscience.com -February 24, 2013 Bullying repercussions are not as temporary as we may think. There are long-term social consequences for both bullies and their victims even as adults. Bullying Scars the Adult Mind
From www.medpagetoday.com - February 20, 2013 Bullying has psychiatric implications into adulthood, a longitudinal cohort study showed. Bullying: Massachusetts study links bullying, family violence
From articles.latimes.com - February 21, 2013 A new study underscores something researchers have known for some time with regard to bullying: that kids involved with it are more likely to display risk factors such as poor grades and drug and... Author: Bullying more complex than parents think
From www.usatoday.com - February 23, 2013 In interviews with bullies, victims, bystanders and the adults who must often pick up the pieces, journalist Emily Bazelon finds that our understanding of the roots of bullying is nothing if not simplistic. Childhood bullying increases the propensity to self-harm during adolescence
From www.healthcanal.com - May 28, 2013 Childhood bullying increases the propensity to self-harm during adolescence Bullying can leave a legacy of pain
From www.dailytelegraph.com.au - June 10, 2013 BULLYING may take place mainly in schoolyards, but the insidious effects of bullying extend far beyond. Bullying doesn't just hurt your feelings - it can make you ill, say researchers
From www.dailymail.co.uk - February 11, 2013 Jenny Tung from Duke University in North Carolina studied rhesus macaques and found that social stress resulted in their immune systems suffering. Bullying's mental health toll may last years
From thechart.blogs.cnn.com - February 27, 2014 Victims of bullying may suffer mental and physical consequences even after bullying occurs, research shows. Bullying can be more harmful than you think
From thegardenisland.com - March 22, 2013 In studying bullying, we must consider the bully, the victim and the bystanders. All three play a role in allowing bullying to happen and all three play a role in stopping it. Bullying and Body Image: How Bullying Leads to Eating Disorders
From www.huffingtonpost.com -March 6, 2013 Bullying can have long-lasting results on the bullied, and in some cases, may lead to eating disorders, according to UK Charity Beat. Hidden dangers at school: Bullying and Cyberbullying
From www.dailysabah.com - October 18, 2014 Bullying is a serious issue that can affect any child. Whether it is verbal, social or physical bullying, can have detrimental effects on both the perpetrator and the victim | Daily Sabah Workplace bullying can cause real harm
From www.nzherald.co.nz -November 27, 2013 Workplace bullying is harmful and someone who is being bullied should not accept it as something normal that they have to put up with - it can cause incredible stress and health Bullying expert deconstructs mean girl, douche-bag mentality
From badgerherald.com - November 18, 2013 From mean girls to douchebags, the way boys and girls handle their locker room experiences is different for a reason, Rosalind Wiseman, best-selling author ... When friends become bullies
From edition.cnn.com - October 30, 2013 Experts say bullying among friends can be especially traumatic because it's a betrayal by people in positions of trust. Anna Christopherson: Bullying often sign of lack of empathy
From lacrossetribune.com - October 24, 2013 The recent suicide of Rebecca Sedwick, a 12-year-old girl in Florida, should prompt school administrations and parents to address bullying with their children. AIFS bullying study shows girls are more devious
From www.theaustralian.com.au -June 19, 2013 GIRLS are more devious than boys in their torment of classmates, Australia's biggest childhood study reveals. New Study: Bullying Lifelong Effect
From newyork.cbslocal.com - September 21, 2013 "A new study suggests that both girls and boys report similar levels of abuse — and that those who suffer through it may be more likely to become abusers themselves… “Abuse is an umbrella for emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and each one in its own right is becoming more prominent, and the lack of education is one of the reasons,” Gamberg said. “It used to mean just hitting, now, and most teens don’t even recognize that they are being abused until it’s too late or too dangerous,” www.loveisrespect.org. Bullying and suicide can go hand-in-hand
From www.ctpost.com - August 28, 2013 [...] it's unsurprising, if profoundly sad, to hear that the suicide of 15-year-old Greenwich High School student Bartlomiej "Bart" Palosz might have been linked to bullying. |
This Bullying Social Experiment Is Incredibly Eye-Opening
From www.huffingtonpost.com -December 2, 2013 No one is immune from bullying. Whether you are the oppressor, the victim or the witness, you are part of a cycle that needs to end. Defining Bullying: The Role of Neurobiological Markers
by Pieter Rossouw | Jul 17, 2013 | Journal | .The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Mediros Clinical Solutions, Unit for Neuropsychotherapy “Bullying” is a widely used term that is mostly linked to some form of harassment – be it emotional, verbal or physical. These definitions always refer to specific behaviours (the perpetrator perspective) and the emotional and physical harm they inflict (the victim perspective). Although some definitions of bullying refer to physical harm as one consequence, it is noteworthy that no definition specifically refers to neural changes, despite a large body of evidence that shows the detrimental effects on neurochemical production, changes in neural functioning, and neural damage. This paper explores some core definitions of bullying and key neurobiological markers linked to bullying. These markers are:
The Psychology of Bullying
From www.bellesprit.com -September 13, 2013 What picture enters your mind when you hear the word bully? Is it the vision of a fifth grader who is taller and bigger than the other kids who walks around the playground with a small group taking lunch money, giving wedgies and beating up people? The Psychology of Bullying
From nobullying.com - October 10, 2014 The Psychology of Bullying, understanding The Psychology of Bullying is essential to fighting bullying now and in the future. Kids Who Bully, Have Aggressive Behaviors Are Twice as Likely to Have Sleep Problems, U-M Study Says
From www.prnewswire.com - February 21, 2013 Researchers found urban schoolchildren with behaviors like bullying more likely to have sleep-disordered breathing or... NASUWT: All prejudice-related bullying needs to be tackled
From www.nasuwt.org.uk - October 29, 2014 Funding to tackle homophobic bullying is welcome, but if bullying in schools is to be eradicated it needs to be addressed in all its forms. Victims of bullying earn less than peers
From www.haverhillecho.co.uk -December 8, 2013 Victims of bullying are likely to earn lower than average wages, according to research to be published in the International Journal of Manpower. Bullying: Why Do Some People Bully Others?
From medicalboox.com - November 22, 2013 Bullying: Why Do Some People Bully Others?By Oliver J R Cooper In one form or another and under one name or another; bullying has been... (medicalboox: Bullying: Why Do Some People Bully Others? The Language of Life: Bullying and understanding differences
From www.kansascity.com -November 11, 2013 In the past week, bullying has touched one of America's roughest sports: football. Are Anti-Bullying Programs Counterproductive?
From www.huffingtonpost.com - October 15, 2013 Faced with a bullying problem, schools will often reach for the latest anti-bullying program that promises to work, without considering the crucial question -- "will this program work for our school? Anti-bullying programs not very effective, forum told
From www.winnipegfreepress.com - May 11, 2013 Forget about any magic solution to bullying.... Teachers feel ignored, bullying impacts adult health
From www.theguardian.com - August 23, 2013 This week's research round up includes: concern at headteachers setting term timings and lasting impact of bullying Teachers least likely to say their opinions count Bullying among seniors tied to inhibition, loss of independence
From www.turnto23.com - March 27, 2013 Bullying knows no age limits. We're accustomed to stories about childhood bullies, but similar behaviors are occurring among seniors in independent retirement communities, assisted-living facilities, nursing homes and community centers. Lack of empathy keeps victims of bullying from getting help they need
From www.tennessean.com -September 29, 2013 Bullying prevention and intervention efforts will be recognized across the United States this October. 'Empathy Gap': Why Some Can't See Bully Victims' Pain
From www.livescience.com - April 27, 2013 Teachers, parents and others underestimate the true pain felt by victims of bullying. Unless they've experienced it firsthand, people underestimate the social pain endured by victims of bullying, a new study finds. This so-called "empathy gap" can be devastating, the researchers say, because it means victims often don't get the support they need. For instance, a teacher who doesn't truly "get" thesuffering involved in being teased or excluded would be less likely to punish the perpetrator or give support to the victim. “Empathy Gap” Hinders Effectiveness of Bullying Prevention Programs
From www.goodtherapy.org - March 13, 2013 A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Over the past several years, and especially in the past six months, schools nationwide have moved to fight bullying in |
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